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Tag: Tech

Playing with Toys: Fedora Linux on the GPD Pocket [Final Update: 1/15/2017]

The GPD Pocket, with hot dog and Strongbow shown for size reference.

[Update (12/4/2017): DO NOT run a “sudo dnf autoremove” command until you’ve read the update at the bottom of this post!]

[Update (12/4/2017): There have been some wonderful updates over the past month. I now consider this post to be deprecated and a new post is available here!]

I bought a new netbook computer a couple weeks ago, and it’s the cutest thing you ever did see. It’s called the GPD Pocket, and it is a full Windows 10 laptop about the size of a 7-inch tablet. The specs are impressive for the devices size: quad core processor, 8GB RAM, 128GB solid state hard drive, and as the name implies, it will literally fit in the pocket of one’s cargo shorts. Continue reading